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Resident Opportunity Self- Sufficiency (ROSS) Program

The ROSS Program is focused on strengthening families by linking the AHA resident to partner with agencies that initiate;
education, training, employment, and career readiness.  By utilizing a combination of community resources, the participant
can accomplish personal goals. The ROSS Program promotes the idea of reducing the need for welfare assistance and
assists the participant in making progress toward achieving economic independence and self-sufficiency.

An applicant must be a very low-income family, which is defined as a family whose Annual Income does not exceed
50% of the median income.
Applicant in excess of the very low-income limits but with the low-income limits (80% of the area median income),
determine if the family's income eligible, AHA will compare the Annual Income of the Family to the applicable income
limit for the family's size.
Families whose Annual Income exceeds the income limit will be denied admission and offered an informal review. 
Families using portability must be within AHA's applicable income limits at the time of initial lease up in the AHA's